Home Apple calendar – AppleScript – Discover Recurring occasions inside date vary

calendar – AppleScript – Discover Recurring occasions inside date vary

calendar – AppleScript – Discover Recurring occasions inside date vary

I’m making an attempt to make a mirror of 1 calendar into one other for the a set time frame (say 1 week). Nonetheless once I run the script beneath it solely copies non-recurring occasions. Any tips on easy methods to repair that is a lot appreciated

use AppleScript model "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

set SourceCalendarName to "VV Important"
set DestinationCalendarName to "VV Mirror"
set meetingProxy to "VV Assembly"
set at this time to present date

set numberofdays to 7
set startDay to ((present date) - (1 * days))
set time of startDay to 0
set endDay to ((startDay) + (numberofdays * days))
--set time of endDay to 

set numberOfEventsAdded to 0

inform software "Calendar"
    set sourceCalendar to calendar SourceCalendarName
    set destinationCalendar to calendar DestinationCalendarName
    inform destinationCalendar
        delete (occasions)
    finish inform
    set sourceEventList to (occasions of sourceCalendar the place (its begin date > startDay) and (its begin date < endDay))
    repeat with eventIdx from 1 to size of sourceEventList
        set newEvent to merchandise eventIdx of sourceEventList
        --repeat with newEvent in (get occasions of sourceCalendar whose (begin date is larger than startDay) and (begin date is lower than endDay))
        set existingEventList to (occasions of destinationCalendar)
        set eventExists to false
        if size of existingEventList just isn't 0 then
            repeat with checkEvent in existingEventList
                if ((begin date of checkEvent = begin date of newEvent) and (finish date of checkEvent = finish date of newEvent)) then
                    set eventExists to true
                    exit repeat
                finish if
            finish repeat
        finish if
        if eventExists is fake then
            inform destinationCalendar
                set destEvent to (make new occasion at finish of occasions with properties {begin date:begin date of newEvent, finish date:finish date of newEvent, abstract:meetingProxy, allday occasion:allday occasion of newEvent, description:(uid of newEvent as textual content)})
                if recurrence of destEvent just isn't lacking worth then
                    set recurrence of destEvent to recurrence of newEvent
                finish if
            finish inform
        finish if
        --set numberOfEventsAdded to (numberOfEventsAdded + 1)
    finish repeat
finish inform


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